El equipo de Visual Studio 2008 ha liberado hoy un parche para desarrolladores Web que solventa algunos problemas en el entorno de desarrollo.

En concreto este parche resuelve lo siguiente (copiado y pegado de la página de Scott Guthrie):

HTML Source view performance

  • Source editor freezes for a few seconds when typing in a page with a custom control that has more than two levels of sub-properties.
  • “View Code” right-click context menu command takes a long time to appear with web application projects.
  • Visual Studio has very slow behavior when opening large HTML documents.
  • Visual Studio has responsiveness issues when working with big HTML files with certain markup.
  • The Tab/Shift-Tab (Indent/Un-indent) operation is slow with large HTML selections.

Design view performance

  • Slow typing in design view with certain page markup configurations.

HTML editing

  • Quotes are not inserted after Class or CssClass attribute even when the option is enabled.
  • Visual Studio crashes when ServiceReference element points back to the current web page.

JavaScript editing

  • When opening a JavaScript file, colorization of the client script is sometimes delayed several seconds.
  • JavaScript IntelliSense does not work if an empty string property is encountered before the current line of editing.
  • JavaScript IntelliSense does not work when jQuery is used.

Web Site build performance

  • Build is very slow when Bin folder contains large number of assemblies and .refresh files with web-site projects.

Me parecen especialmente de agradecer las mejoras de rendimiento al editar JavaScript, que se hacía un poco insufrible en la versión original, y la mejora de rendimiento al recompilar.

Descárgatelo gratis ya desde Microsoft Connect (necesitarás una cuenta LiveID/Passport)

NOTA: En Windows Vista con UAC activado no lo ejecutes desde C:\ o no te funcionará.

Escrito por un humano, no por una IA